Το Τμήμα Πληροφορικής του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου σας προσκαλεί στη διάλεξη του Δρ. Χρήστου Τρύφωνα, Τμήμα Πληροφορικής Ι.Π., που θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Τρίτη 20 Μαΐου 2008 και ώρα 17:00 στην αίθουσα 1 του κτιρίου «Αρεταίος», με θέμα:
"Advanced E-Services: A Perspective".
Title: "Advanced E-Services: A Perspective"
There is a natural evolution in the way technology is introduced into traditional services ranging from communication, to news and entertainment. To reach the current state-of-the-art in E-Services, there were many technology hurdles that needed to be overcome over a number of years, a result of both a calculated need and the natural progression of human curiosity.
This presentation focuses on a technology overview of how the current state-of-the-art technologies are tracking the overall trends that are happening both in enterprises and more importantly at home. The discussion will be driven by two breakthrough projects with top media attention that the presenter actively led for a number of years in Silicon Valley: the development and roll-out of an all-types-of-multimedia E-Services (e.g. Video-on-Demand, Broadcast TV) to the home delivered by all-types-of-transport mechanisms (e.g. ATM, PON, POS), and an advanced service personalization framework via the use of an Essistant along with a multi-modal remote presence mechanism.
The broader objective of both projects was to identify and address the challenges that most service providers face, i.e., the ability to introduce a variety of services at a minimal cost and impact to their customers. Systematic evaluation of the progress of these projects indicated that the natural progression to the service/content explosion is a seamless user interface that remains consistent across the various services and devices.
So, what is next in the E-Services Technology [R]evolution?
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Tryfonas has several years of experience as a computer scientist and chief architect in both academia and industry research labs, leading innovative projects ranging from storage networking to multimedia networking and network security.
In 2003, Dr. Tryfonas co-founded Kazeon Systems, Inc., a high-profile VC-funded Silicon-Valley startup in the area of large scale information classification, management, and retrieval where he was responsible for the technical leadership, the whole architecture and design of a very complex and distributed software and hardware product. Prior to co-founding Kazeon Systems, Dr. Tryfonas was a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sprint Advanced Technology Labs, where he was responsible for research and development in emerging networking technologies, such as Video-on-Demand, networked multimedia, and remote presence.
He contributed to several innovative Sprint services, and was part of the world-class IP research group at Sprint that provided accurate large-scale Internet measurements for worldwide IP capacity planning and traffic analysis to the Internet community. He has also worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories doing research and development in the area of congestion control over packet-switched networks.
Dr. Tryfonas holds several patents in the areas of congestion control in packet networks, and network transport of multimedia traffic over packet-switched broadband networks, and has several more patents pending in the area of large-scale information classification, management, and retrieval.