Διεθνές Συνέδριο - NDSTE 2014

Δημοσίευση: 22-01-2014 20:29 | Ενημέρωση: 15-04-2015 18:34 | Προβολές: 594

1st International Conference on New Developments in Science and Technology Education
Dates: Thursday, May 29th -  Saturday, May 31st, 2014.
Location: Hotel Corfu Holiday Palace, Corfu Island, Greece

The conference will be structured around (but not limited to) five main thematic axes such as:

  • Modern Pedagogies and New Technologies in Science and Technology Education
  • Interest, Attitude and Motivation in Science and Technology Education
  • Neuroscience and Science Education
  • Assessment in Science and Technology Education
  • Teaching and Learning in Specific Disciplines

The conference has two objectives. The first objective is the sharing of new practices within the area of research in science and technology education. The second objective is to provide international researchers a significant and friendly opportunity to network and collaborate so as to improve ideas and processes.

Further details: http://ndste2014.weebly.com/


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