Θερινό Σχολείο - IPICS 2011

Δημοσίευση: 24-05-2011 08:15 | Ενημέρωση: 09-10-2014 11:05 | Προβολές: 1104

Το Τμήμα Πληροφορικής του Ι.Π. διοργανώνει το (Intensive Program on Information Communication Security) που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις εγκαταστάσεις του Τμήματος Πληροφορικής, από 22 - 31 Αυγούστου 2011.

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην ιστοσελίδα του Θερινού Σχολείου: di.ionio.gr/ipics2011


 IPICS Summer School
Intensive Program on Information Communication Security,
Corfu (Kerkyra) Greece 22-31 August 2011

The IPICS academic summer school is a two weeks course for Master`s students in their final year, PhD students and IT professionals interested in a comprehensive overview and broad coverage of recent developments in “Information and Communication Security”. In 2011 the IPICS will be hosted by the Department of Informatics, Ionian University, at Kerkyra (Corfu), Greece.

Web site of IPICS 2011 summer school: http://di.ionio.gr/ipics2011/

Full program of the IPICS 2011 school: http://di.ionio.gr/ipics2011/images/documents/ipics%20program%20v_final.doc

*Important Dates and Deadlines*:

17.07.2011: Application deadline
22.08.2011: Start of IPICS
31.08.2011: End of IPICS

Applications (first 50 students) will be accepted on a First-Come First-Served basis!


  • Computer Malware
  • Intrusion Prevention, Detection & Response
  • Computer forensics & Incident Response
  • Security Culture
  • Usability of Security
  • Information Security Standards/ISO 27000 series
  • Business Continuity Planning and Information Security
  • Security Certifications (CISSP, CISA, CISM)
  • The European Legal Framework on Data Protection
  • Privacy Issues & Requirements
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies
  • Privacy in e-communications and Location-Based Services
  • Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
  • PKI and key management
  • Identity management
  • Smart Cards Authentication
  • Security of Mobile Payments
  • Security in Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs)
  • Security in Mobile Communications
  • Security and Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Security in the Internet of Things
  • RFID Security
  • Cloud Computing Security
  • Software security


  • Manfred Aigner (NXP Semiconductors, NL)
  • Svetlana Efimova (Kaspersky Lab, RU)
  • Steven Furnell (University of Plymouth, UK)
  • Hans Hedbom (Karlstad Universitet, SE)
  • Ram Herkanaidu (Kaspersky Lab, RU)
  • Michael Hutter  (TU Graz, AT)
  • Vasilis Katos (Democritus University of Thrace, GR)
  • Nicholas Kolokotronis (University of Peloponnese, GR)
  • Eleni Kosta (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE)
  • Costas Lambrinoudakis (University of Piraeus, GR)
  • Javier Lopez (Universidad de Malaga, ES)
  • Emmanouil Magkos (Ionian University, GR)
  • Konstantinos Markantonakis (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
  • Maria Papadaki (University of Plymouth, UK)
  • Bart Preneel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE)
  • Giovanni Russello (CREATE-NET International Research Center, IT)
  • Sebastian Schrittwieser (TU Wien, AT)
  • Aggeliki Tsohou (Brunel University, UK)
  • Christos Xenakis (University of Piraeus, GR)

How to participate

IPICS mainly targets students of late Master or early PhD studies in computer science, business informatics, IT engineering, and business. If you are enrolled at an IPICS partner university and selected by your local IPICS lecturer you will qualify for participation in IPICS 2011 at a very low registration fee (details about registration can be found at: . The full registration pack will cover attending the courses, teaching material, housing (accommodation), lunches, coffee breaks and one ticket for our Gala Dinner.

Other, non-IPICS students are also welcomed to participate in IPICS 2011. The procedure is explained at: .

High-level professionals are welcomed at IPICS as well. The procedure is explained at: .

IPICS ECTS acknowledgement

The IPICS course ends with a group presentation and requires students to hand in an essay. Topics will be assigned at the end of IPICS. Both, presentation and essay will be used to grade students. The IPICS offers upon completion a certificate stating course content, lecturers, duration, and final grade. This certificate will be honored with 4 ECTS points by the IPICS Universities. External students will receive the same certificate. Please ensure with your home institution whether and how this certificate is accepted. Certificates will only be awarded if the course is finished completely, meaning fully attended and with passed home exam (essay).


PICS stands for Intensive Programme on Information and Communication Systems Security. Originally, it started as an ERASMUS Intensive Programme activity. IPICS has been held, in several places around Europe (1998: Vienna, 1999: Chios, 2000: Stockholm, 2001: Samos, 2002: Samos, 2003: Malaga, 2004: Graz, 2005: Chios, 2006: Leuven, 2007: Glamorgan, 2008: Regensburg, 2009: Vienna, 2010: Samos). For almost a decade IPICS has also been held as a winter school at the University of Oulu, Finland. This summer IPICS will take place at the Ionian University at Kerkyra (Corfu), Greece.

Over the past decade, the topic “IT security” has worked its way from an add-on gadget and nice-to-have or nice-to-know-about, to an essential feature of the IT systems which our society relies upon. The strongly increasing dependability of our society on a working IT infrastructure emphasizes existing vulnerabilities and threats. Despite this fact, the average user’s knowledge of IT security is lagging behind the evolution of the threat potential. Within this summer school we address this problem in an intensive manner. During the past 12 years, IPICS was well established in the academic community as the “academic European school on IT security”. This is mainly due to the experience gained through several years of cross-disciplinary discussions between experts from fields as different as, for example, “managerial aspects”, “cryptography”, “microchip design”, “embedded systems”, and “cyber crime”.


Local Organizers:

Manos Magkos, PhD
Department of Informatics, Ionian University,
Tsirigoti Square 7, 49100 Corfu, Greece
Tel.: +30 26610 87704, Fax: +30 26610 48491
Email: ipics2011@ionio.gr

Vassilis Chrissikopoulos, PhD
Department of Informatics, Ionian University,
Tsirigoti Square 7, 49100 Corfu, Greece
Tel.: +30 26610 87121, Fax: +30 26610 48491

Konstantinos Lambrinoudakis, PhD
Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus,
80, Karaoli & Dimitriou Str, 18534, Piraeus Greece
Tel.: +30 210 4142720, Fax: +30 210 4142376

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Κτίριο Γραμματειών (Κτίριο 3) Πλατεία Τσιριγώτη 7 (πρώην Πλατεία Παλιού Ψυχιατρείου) Κέρκυρα, 49100 τηλ:26610 87760 / 87761 / 87763
e-mail: cs@ionio.gr
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