General Announcements
Kick-off meeting of the project Polysemi - Park of literary travels of Greece and Magna Graecia
Posted: 05-06-2018 19:24 | Views: 3421
Kick off meeting of POLYSEMI project
Posted: 05-06-2018 17:08 | Updated: 05-06-2018 17:11 | Views: 1061
The Kick-off meeting of the project Polysemi - Park of literary travels of Greece and Magna Graecia", co-funded for 900.000 euro by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020, will be held on 7 June in Bari (ore 9.00 Sala De Trizio, Centro Polifunzionale Studenti dell’Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Piazza Cesare Battisti, 1)
Olivenia, Information and Communication Technologies for olive growers
Posted: 25-10-2017 18:40 | Views: 5589
Innovative application by BiHELab - Department of Informatics
Posted: 25-08-2017 22:54 | Views: 6114
Posted: 07-06-2016 08:58 | Updated: 20-06-2017 17:30 | Views: 1048
Ε-Business from the technological, business and market perspective. Electronic re-structuring of private and public organizations. Electronic Intermediaries. Typical and Emerging E-Business Models. Mobile and Social Media Applications. New collaboration-based e-business models (e.g. crowdsourcing). Design of Business Plan for an innovative e-business startup.
Artificial Intelligence
Posted: 09-06-2016 11:51 | Updated: 20-06-2017 17:30 | Views: 1014
Introduction to AI. Machine Learning. Data. Supervised Learning. Classification. Example-based Learning. Decision trees. Statistical Learning. Unsupervised Learning. Clustering. Meta-learning. Evaluation. Deep learning. The Weka Machine Learning Workbench.
New Media Informatics
Posted: 09-06-2016 12:54 | Updated: 20-06-2017 17:30 | Views: 1005
Social Web. Social Networks. Social Media. Crowdsourcing. Social web text processing. Social web text mining. Sentiment analysis. Multimedia Information Retrieval. Information retrieval in social networks. Introduction to Semantics. Ubiquitous computing. Cultural Informatics. Interactive Art.
Informatics in Education
Posted: 04-10-2016 10:01 | Updated: 20-06-2017 17:29 | Views: 968
ICT as a means of knowledge, research and learning in the various disciplines. Basic concepts and terminology of the Teaching of Information Technology. Traditional teaching approaches and approaches based on modern theories of learning, learning difficulties in basic concepts of IT, examples of lesson plans and activities.
Erasmus+ Student Mobility
Posted: 21-06-2016 07:51 | Updated: 20-06-2017 15:40 | Views: 944
The Department of Informatics, Ionian University offers a body of courses in English language for students that wish to visit the Department using Erasmus+. The courses aggregate a total of 30 ECTS per semester. Each course will be offered only if a total of at least 9 Erasmus+ incoming students wish to attend.
Journal of Machine Intelligence (JoMI) Special Issue on Soft Computing (Theories and Applications)
Posted: 17-06-2016 07:10 | Updated: 20-06-2017 14:01 | Views: 1068
This special issue shall shed light on new developments and implementation of soft computing in the fields of engineering, applied science and theoretical research. All interested researchers, academicians, engineers and scholars are invited to submit current research works in the field of artificial intelligence, including relevant applications in solving optimization and modeling challenges using computational intelligence.
Department of Informatics: Summer School
Posted: 21-03-2017 12:26 | Updated: 09-06-2017 10:20 | Views: 10849
Start: 06-07-2017 |End: 12-07-2017
Department of Informatics: Summer Programming and Robotics School
Posted: 08-06-2017 17:36 | Views: 5882
Start: 19-06-2017 |End: 23-06-2017
Secretery Building (Building 3)
7 Tsirigoni Square
Corfu, 49100
tel:26610 87760 / 87761 / 87763