General Announcements
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: January-February 2025
Posted: 05-03-2025 10:33 | Views: 1342
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers, based on Scopus and MDPI.
The Ionian University as Technical Coordinators of the European Project ANTIDOTE Kick-οff Meeting on 30 January 2025
Posted: 03-02-2025 11:22 | Views: 1758
Within the framework of the research project “ANTIDOTE: AI Attack and Defense for the Smart Healthcare”, under the scientific coordination of Associate Professor Christoforos Ntantogian from the Department of Informatics at the Ionian University, the project kick-off meeting took place online on January 30, 2025.
Gym of the Ionian University: 1st Hike - 16/02/2025
Posted: 27-01-2025 13:40 | Views: 2665
Important Date: 16-02-2025
The University Gym of the Ionian University will hold its first hike on Sunday 16/02/2025, in the area of Nymphes. Those interested can register on the days and times of the program, to the responsible teachers or upon request with the hiking manager Angeliki Mavropoulou. Due to limited places, a strict first-come, first-served order will be observed.
Accreditation Decision of the Postgraduate Study Programme of Ethics in Information Technology of the Department of Informatics
Posted: 23-01-2025 19:59 | Views: 796
The Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE) Evaluation and Accreditation Council has accredited the new Postgraduate Study Programme of Ethics in Information Technology of the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University as fully compliant to the Standards for Quality Accreditation of New Postgraduate Study Programmes of the HAHE and to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) for study level 7 of the National and European Qualifications Framework.
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: November - December 2024
Posted: 13-01-2025 13:41 | Views: 2269
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers, based on Scopus and MDPI.
Presentation of the NITRO 5G-IoT Cyber Range during the Hellenic University Hack 2024
Posted: 10-12-2024 12:34 | Views: 993
Gym of the Ionian University: Panhellenic Interuniversity Chess Championships 2024
Posted: 09-12-2024 17:19 | Views: 2042
Start: 09-12-2024 |End: 16-12-2024
The Panteion University, the Municipality of Kallithea, the Kallithea Chess Club and the Korydallos Chess Club, announce the Panhellenic Inter-University Chess Championships 2024. Specifically, two events will be held, the Individual Inter-University Chess Championships 2024 and the Team Inter-University "Planted" Chess Championships 2024, on 19 December 2024 in Athens.
Gym of the Ionian University: 1st University Sports Championship
Posted: 22-11-2024 17:30 | Updated: 22-11-2024 17:38 | Views: 2895
Start: 22-11-2024 |End: 06-12-2024
The University Gym, organizes the 1st University Sports Championship for all departments of the Ionian University, in the context of getting acquainted with some of the sports that exist in the University Gymnasium and invites all students to take part.
Online Seminars on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with Certification of Participation
Posted: 18-11-2024 10:06 | Views: 1376
The Department of Informatics of the Ionian University, in collaboration with its partners in the project "WICT - Introduction of joint short-cycle ICT courses for better employability of students and graduates" is organizing courses on data science and artificial intelligence.
HEAL-Link: free trial period to Elsevier's Complete Anatomy until 12/31/2024
Posted: 08-10-2024 09:53 | Views: 1339
Start: 16-12-2024 |End: 31-12-2024
Press conference and publicity for the official visit of the Ionian University delegation to China (videos and links)
Posted: 02-10-2024 17:56 | Views: 3149
A delegation of the Ionian University led by the Rector, Professor Andreas Floros, paid an official visit to China from 18 to 28 September 2024.
Ionian University at International Fair of Thessaloniki - 7-15/09/2024
Posted: 02-09-2024 17:49 | Updated: 08-09-2024 15:36 | Views: 6988
Start: 07-09-2024 |End: 15-09-2024
Ionian University participates for the fourth consecutive year in International Fair of Thessaloniki, which will take place from Saturday 7 to Sunday 15 September 2024 (TIF - Helexpo, Egnatia 154, Thessaloniki). The Foundation's presence in the previous three years was a great success, making its participation in the event an institution.
Ionian University @ Scopus
Posted: 26-08-2024 13:48 | Views: 6142
Follow Ionian University @ Scopus
You will need on-site access through the University's network or IONIO VPN.
Two fellowships to Ionian University PhD students awarded from the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT)
Posted: 22-07-2024 08:23 | Views: 2635
Start: 22-07-2024 |End: 30-08-2024
The Committee for the selection of the 2024-2025 Fellowships (Maria Bottis, INSEIT Director, Keith Miller, INSEIT President and Herman Tavani INSEIT ex-President of INSEIT) awarded by the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology, has announced that two Fellowships will be awarded to two PhD students of the Ionian University.
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