General Announcements
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: May - June 2024
Posted: 02-07-2024 12:30 | Views: 5948
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers, based on Scopus and MDPI.
Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Posted: 21-06-2024 14:33 | Views: 24265
Start: 01-10-2024 |End: 26-09-2025
[In Progress]
The academic calendar for the year 2024-2025 is published with dates on tuition, exams and holidays.
The 17th Audiovisual Arts Festival (May 23 – June 2, 2024) celebrates the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University
Posted: 19-04-2024 09:42 | Updated: 21-05-2024 13:58 | Views: 15462
Start: 23-05-2024 |End: 02-06-2024
The 17th Festival of Audiovisual Arts celebrates this year the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (AVARTS) of the Ionian University, presenting an extroverted, dynamic, and rich program of artistic, scientific, and educational events that fills the city of Corfu with images and sounds. The opening of the festival is the central anniversary event and will take place on Thursday (23/05) at 19:30 in the People's Garden.
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: March - April 2024
Posted: 13-05-2024 13:13 | Views: 7651
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers, based on Scopus and MDPI.
Library's Bulletin for Ionian University's Research Publications: January - February 2024
Posted: 11-03-2024 14:03 | Views: 7382
Ionian University Library & Information Centre publishes the monthly bulletin on the productivity of Ionian University's researchers, based on Scopus and MDPI.
Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Posted: 31-05-2023 16:19 | Updated: 06-02-2024 22:21 | Views: 31892
Start: 01-09-2023 |End: 31-08-2024
The academic calendar for the year 2023-2024 is published with dates on tuition, exams and holidays.
The Ionian University as Technical Coordinators of NITRO European Project: Kick-Off Meeting on 30th January 2024
Posted: 05-02-2024 11:43 | Views: 2365
Trial access to De Gruyter ebooks
Posted: 01-02-2024 12:11 | Views: 6915
Trial access to the De Gruyter ebooks until 2024-04-30. Access through the following links and via the Ionian University network or VPN connection.
Trial access to CNKI Express
Posted: 22-01-2024 10:29 | Views: 8569
Trial access to the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database until 2024-07-15.
Access through the following links and via the Ionian University network or VPN connection.
Academic Reference (AR)
Best Paper Award - IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking 2023 (CSCN 2023)
Posted: 13-11-2023 16:49 | Views: 584
Participation of I.U research team in the Workshop entitled "2023 Sensemaking with Projects Workshop" within the framework of the EIT-HEI Initiative
Posted: 10-11-2023 10:21 | Views: 4381
The two-day Workshop - Working Meeting entitled "2023 Sensemaking with Projects Workshop” was held on 25th and 26th October 2023, by the HEI Initiative of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT). The action took place in Bologna, Italy at the National Research Center Building.
The Ionian University Volunteer Blood Donor Society is established
Posted: 13-10-2023 17:51 | Views: 8849
We are excited to introduce the newly established Ionian University Volunteer Blood Donor Society and invite you to become a part of our mission to support blood donation and save lives.
Secretery Building (Building 3)
7 Tsirigoni Square
Corfu, 49100
tel:26610 87760 / 87761 / 87763