Workshop on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Posted: 06-11-2017 10:56 | Views: 5188
Start: 06-11-2017 |End: 10-11-2017
Second World Congress GeNeDis 2016 - Sparta, 20-23/10/2016
Posted: 22-09-2016 12:06 | Updated: 17-10-2016 18:08 | Views: 10866
Start: 20-10-2016 |End: 23-10-2016
ADRIATinn project Final Conference
Posted: 07-09-2016 12:57 | Views: 5589
Start: 21-09-2016 |End: 23-09-2016
6th European Symposium on Ultrasonic Characterization of Bone (ESUCB 2015)
Posted: 01-06-2015 13:59 | Updated: 03-06-2015 12:06 | Views: 4245
Important Date: 13-06-2015
The 6th European Symposium on Ultrasonic Characterization of Bone (ESUCB 2015) is organized at the Ionian Academy of Corfu, Greece, in June 10-12 2015.
6th Conference on Informatics in Education [10-12/10/2014]
Posted: 16-09-2014 12:58 | Updated: 10-10-2014 10:02 | Views: 4589
Start: 10-10-2014 |End: 12-10-2014
The 6th Conference on Informatics in Education (6th CIE2014) is co-organized by the Department of Informatics of the University of Pireaus and the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University.
The Conference will take place at Corfu, at the premises of the Ionian University, 10-12 of October 2014.Conference's official website: (...)
Department of Informatics: Conference - Privacy in Statistical Databases 2010 (PSD 2010)
Posted: 20-09-2010 14:10 | Views: 4079
Start: 22-09-2010 |End: 24-09-2010
International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education 2010
Posted: 08-07-2010 14:19 | Views: 3139
Start: 08-07-2010 |End: 10-07-2010
PCI 2009: 13th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics
Posted: 09-09-2009 23:25 | Views: 3504
Start: 10-09-2009 |End: 12-09-2009
Department of Informatics of the Ionian University - University of Piraeus, Department of Informatics - The Greek Computer Society, Corfu, September 10th to 12th, 2009.
International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education 2009
Posted: 11-07-2009 00:49 | Views: 3280
Start: 09-07-2009 |End: 11-07-2009
International Conference ICICTE 2008
Posted: 08-07-2008 13:01 | Views: 3823
Start: 10-07-2008 |End: 12-07-2008
International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education. Corfu, 10-12 July, 2008.
International Conference Sunbelt XXVII
Posted: 06-02-2007 00:33 | Views: 4657
Start: 01-05-2007 |End: 06-05-2007
The International Sunbelt Social Network Conference is the official conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).
Secretery Building (Building 3)
7 Tsirigoni Square
Corfu, 49100
tel:26610 87760 / 87761 / 87763