Ιnvitation to Submit - Special Issue: Quantum, molecular and unconventional computing
Posted: 23-04-2021 11:23 | Views: 5238
Special Issue: Quantum, molecular and unconventional computing
Guest Editor: Dr. Theodore Andronikos, Department of Informatics, Ionian University (
Submission deadline: 31 October 2021
BYRON: The Greek Revolution "comes to life" with a game!
Posted: 23-03-2021 22:51 | Views: 6610
A pedagogical approach to the Greek Revolution from the Ionian University in the context of the celebrations for the 200 Years of the Greek Revolution.
Announcement: " Postponement of Erasmus+ Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities - students and staff- for Spring Semester 2020-21 due to COVID-19"
Posted: 12-02-2021 11:32 | Views: 19984
Start: 12-02-2021 |End: 12-05-2021
Postponement of Erasmus+ Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities - students and staff- for Spring Semester 2020-21 due to COVID-19
Academic Calendar 2020-2021
Posted: 29-07-2020 16:02 | Updated: 03-02-2021 16:28 | Views: 22679
Start: 01-09-2020 |End: 31-08-2021
The academic calendar for the year 2020-2021 is published with dates on tuition, exams and holidays.
" Postponement of Erasmus+Mobilities scheduled for the Winter Semester 2020-21"
Posted: 24-07-2020 14:43 | Views: 18178
The Academic Senate of Ionian University (Corfu, Greece) has made the difficult decision to postpone all incoming and outgoing mobilities scheduled for the Winter Semester of the academic year 2020-2021 to the next Spring Semester or the next academic year, due to COVID-19.
We believe this decision is in the best interest of the students given the current circumstances, and truly hope that (...)
Announcement on COVID-19 for Erasmus+ incoming students and staff in Ionian University
Posted: 13-03-2020 22:01 | Views: 18620
Following the recent developments on COVID-19 current outbreak, we would like to inform you that for the moment no cases have been confirmed inside the academic community of Ionian University. However, Ionian University is undertaking specific preventative measures based on the Ministerial decisions issued on the temporary closure of all schools and universities in the country.
"Literary Week" in Ionian University! A series of events promoting and disseminating results within the framework of the "Park of Literary Travels in Greece and Magna Graecia - POLYSEMI" project.
Posted: 06-11-2019 15:45 | Updated: 06-11-2019 15:49 | Views: 1263
Start: 18-11-2019 |End: 23-11-2019
The Department of Informatics of the Ionian University organizes a "Literary Week" within the framework of the project "Park of Literary Travels in Greece and Magna Graecia - POLYSEMI". The program is co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Funds (E.R.D.F.) and by National Funds of Greece and Italy.
Open lecture for students and interested public entitled "Topologies of Complex Networks in the Semantic & Social Web"
Posted: 13-05-2019 18:41 | Updated: 13-05-2019 18:45 | Views: 1138
Dr. Vasilios Karyotis, in response to the invitation set by the Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics, Ionian University, Dr. Phivos Mylonas, and in the framework of the Humanistic and Social Informatics Laboratory activities (, will provide an open lecture for students and interested public entitled "Topologies of Complex Networks in the Semantic & Social Web" on May 15, 2019 at 13.00 at the Department of Informatics, Platia Tsirigoti 7, Corfu.
Ionian University organizes a Summer School on Environmental Informatics [8-12/7/19]
Posted: 10-12-2018 19:47 | Views: 7280
Start: 08-07-2019 |End: 12-07-2019
The Department of Informatics and the Department of Environment of the Ionian University are organizing an inaugural Summer School on Environmental Informatics in Zakynthos, Greece, between 8-12 July 2019. More info:
Forbes article about the Ionian University's Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology research
Posted: 05-11-2018 19:20 | Views: 5552
DEFenD project at the 12th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems
Posted: 19-09-2018 19:52 | Views: 3570
The H2020 project “DEFeND: Data Governance for Supporting GDPR” will be presented at the 12th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems which will be held in Corfu, Greece on 28-30th September (...)
Kick-off meeting of the project Polysemi - Park of literary travels of Greece and Magna Graecia
Posted: 05-06-2018 19:24 | Views: 3511
Kick off meeting of POLYSEMI project
Posted: 05-06-2018 17:08 | Updated: 05-06-2018 17:11 | Views: 1110
The Kick-off meeting of the project Polysemi - Park of literary travels of Greece and Magna Graecia", co-funded for 900.000 euro by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020, will be held on 7 June in Bari (ore 9.00 Sala De Trizio, Centro Polifunzionale Studenti dell’Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Piazza Cesare Battisti, 1)
Olivenia, Information and Communication Technologies for olive growers
Posted: 25-10-2017 18:40 | Views: 5700
Secretery Building (Building 3)
7 Tsirigoni Square
Corfu, 49100
tel:26610 87760 / 87761 / 87763