Presentation of the NITRO 5G-IoT Cyber Range during the Hellenic University Hack 2024
Posted: 10-12-2024 12:34 | Views: 954
Online Seminars on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with Certification of Participation
Posted: 18-11-2024 10:06 | Views: 1306
The Department of Informatics of the Ionian University, in collaboration with its partners in the project "WICT - Introduction of joint short-cycle ICT courses for better employability of students and graduates" is organizing courses on data science and artificial intelligence.
Ionian University at International Fair of Thessaloniki - 7-15/09/2024
Posted: 02-09-2024 17:49 | Updated: 08-09-2024 15:36 | Views: 6615
Start: 07-09-2024 |End: 15-09-2024
Ionian University participates for the fourth consecutive year in International Fair of Thessaloniki, which will take place from Saturday 7 to Sunday 15 September 2024 (TIF - Helexpo, Egnatia 154, Thessaloniki). The Foundation's presence in the previous three years was a great success, making its participation in the event an institution.
17th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation & Personalization “SMAP 2022″ (ONLINE)
Posted: 03-11-2022 11:23 | Views: 3800
28th Panhellenic Academic Libraries Conference (Corfu, October 19-21, 2022)
Posted: 22-09-2022 12:34 | Updated: 15-10-2022 14:34 | Views: 10380
Information Day - Digital platform for the Promotion of the Musical Heritage of Corfu - TRUMPET
Posted: 02-09-2022 12:49 | Views: 2835
Ionian University invites all interested parties to participate in the Information Day of the TRUMPET project, which will be held in person at the Ionian Academy (Akadimias & Kapodistriou Str., Corfu), on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 16:00 with free admission for the public.
The TRUMPET project entitled: "Digital platform for the Promotion of the Musical Heritage of Corfu" is co-financed (...)
Information Day - Smart digital applications and tools for the effective promotion and enhancement of the Ionian Islands bio-diversity
Posted: 31-08-2022 14:27 | Views: 3225
Information Day
Smart digital applications and tools for the effective promotion and enhancement of the Ionian Islands bio-diversity
Ionian University invites all interested parties to participate in the ERMIS project Information Day, which will take place in person at the Ionian Academy (Akadimias & Kapodistriou, Corfu), on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 18:00 with free admission for the (...)
12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence - SETN 2022
Posted: 31-08-2022 14:17 | Views: 4078
12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence "SETN 2022"
Corfu, Greece, September 7-9, 2022
The Humanistic & Social Informatics Laboratory (HILab - of the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University organizes the "12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2022)", in collaboration with the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN). The (...)
Webinars by HEAL-Link: how to publish Open Access with Wiley
Posted: 24-05-2022 10:12 | Views: 11706
IEEE Authorship and Open Access Symposium: Tips and Best Practices to Get Published from IEEE
Posted: 28-03-2022 10:30 | Views: 3989
Information Day - "Smart digital applications and tools for the effective promotion and enhancement of the Ionian Islands bio-diversity"
Posted: 26-01-2022 09:38 | Views: 3544
Info Day of the ERMIS project, which will take place on January 28, 2021 at 11:00a.m. as a fully virtual online event. The ERMIS project, fully entitled "Smart digital applications and tools for the effective promotion and enhancement of the Ionian Islands bio-diversity" is co-funded by the European Union and implemented under the Operational Program "Ionian Islands 2014-2020".
Secretery Building (Building 3)
7 Tsirigoni Square
Corfu, 49100
tel:26610 87760 / 87761 / 87763