Institutional framework

The Master Program “Digital Applications and Innovation” is regulated under the auspices of the following frameworks:

  1. The Institutional framework of postgraduate studies (Ν. 4485/τ.Α’ 114/4-8-2017)
  2. The Gazette of establishment of the Master Program “Digital Applications and Innovation” (Απόφαση 2280/ΦΕΚ 3029 τ. Β’/27-7-2018)
  3. The operating regulations of the Master Program
  4. The Study Regulations
  5. The Internship Regulations
  6. The Mobility Regulations
  7. The Regulations for the Preparation of Assignments
  8. The Complaints Regulations
  9. The Regulations for the Academic Advisor Institution
  10. The Research Ethics Regulations